The Galaxy Project, Inc.




The Galaxy Project, Inc.

Overview of Organization

A FEMA team was immediately sent to help Olive Hill, KY develop a 10-year recovery plan after two 500-year floods slammed the town in May and July of 2010. Thanks to the passion of one FEMA leader, it was also the first long-term FEMA assisted plan directly involving local youth.

After FEMA’s work was complete, three students and one adult met at West Carter High School to continue youth engagement. A youth center seemed the ultimate solution for youth’s portion of the plan. Little did they know how that idea would spark something far more than expected!

Once-per-month meetings ensued, a foundation was built, legal and policy work completed (including a 501(c)3 nonprofit designation) and a diverse group of adults recruited to assist all teen visionaries seeking a voice.  

The greatest revelation became how a youth center wasn’t the answer! Olive Hill’s greatest treasure wasn’t to focus on a building … but to focus on building its youth! Teens created unique solutions for complex community problems and became a unifying catalyst of positive change!

There is no “youth center” in Olive Hill. However, there is now a game/recreational center, an athletic center with indoor sports, a new park to be built as center of downtown, and youth support and engagement… at center! Adults learned to listen, respect youth ideas, and give opportunities. Youth as center helped this community rebuild, reunite, and recreate itself.  


Angela Fultz


Social Media


The Galaxy Project, Inc.

569 State Hwy 2078, Olive Hill, KY 41164

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