How It Works

     The program is designed for a community to gain intensive support in Year 1 and gradually build capacity throughout the program to need less support in each following year. 

  • Year 1: Start-Up: The Community gain intensive coaching and capacity building support. Examples of activities the community may gain assistance with include assessing, organizing, planning, intensive capacity building, developing a strategy, and launching new community and economic development projects or initiatives.

  • Year 2: Building Momentum: The Community has built up its capacity and now needs less coaching support as it implements projects and programs developed during Year 1 and builds momentum as it explores new initiatives in Year 2, which may focus on things like filling gaps, gaining funding, building partnerships, and overcoming obstacles. 

  • Year: 3: Max Velocity: The Community has some experience implementing programs and initiatives, so it is now at a point where they are experiencing impacts from implemented programs and can build on previous momentum, pivot as needed, and are reporting impact.

  • Year 4+: Maintenance: The Community has grown to be able to mentor others. Participation in the Community Accelerator is a way to give back to others. They are in a stage where they are maintaining initiatives and benefit from the program by networking, mentoring others, sharing successes, and are able to continue gaining professional development to stay in touch with peers and learn about trending resources and promising practices in community development.
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