Building Your Core Team

Team Members

 Having a team with diversified skills, experiences, and backgrounds that represent the breadth of the local community is crucial to ensure all people feel welcome and included. Each community applying to join the Accelerator program must have a Core Team of at least 6 people who are committed to improving their community and will help the group fulfill their commitments. Core Team members do not need to have formal leadership experience. We recommend that you have at least one person on the Core Team who is recognized as a local leader and can serve as the “Champion” for the team in the community. In the nomination form, you will be asked to list the folks who have agreed to serve on the Core Team along with their contact information.

Here is a description of Core Team responsibilities to share with potential members:

As a member of the Community Accelerator Core Team, you will give 2-3 hours per month to support your community’s participation in the program. You agree to:

  • Attend a monthly coaching meeting along with other meetings of the team (this could be virtual or in-person)
  • Participate in at least 50% of peer learning forum calls (virtual). If these calls interfere with your work schedule you will not be expected to attend
  • Support projects that your group is leading to benefit your community.
  • Attend at least one in-person meeting or training of the What’s Next EKY?! Community Accelerator Network. (Travel expenses will be covered as well as lost wages and childcare if the meeting occurs during a work day) If you are unable to get off work, you will be excused from attendance.
  • Use your gifts and talents to support the work of your group’s Community Accelerator activities.
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